Deci trebuie sa migram un site (eventual magazin virtual, shop online) din Joomla in WordPress…
Motive? Cel putin pentru ca WordPress este pe val, se dezvolta foarte rapid si acopera un impresionant procent din totalul site-urilor care sunt active in acest moment in spatiul virtual.
O putem face la nivel elementar cu pluginul FG Joomla to WordPress versiunea gratuita.
Ce face? Redau din pagina prezentata mai sus (in lb. engl):
Major features include:
- migrates Joomla sections as categories
- migrates categories as sub-categories
- migrates Joomla posts (published, unpublished and archived)
- migrates Joomla web links
- uploads all the posts media in WP uploads directories (as an option)
- uploads external media (as an option)
- modifies the post content to keep the media links
- resizes images according to the sizes defined in WP
- defines the featured image to be the first post image
- keeps the alt image attribute
- keeps the image caption
- modifies the internal links
- migrates meta keywords as tags
- migrates page breaks
- can import Joomla articles as posts or pages
Versiunea premium a plugin-ului adauga:
Premium version
The Premium version includes these extra features:
- migrates authors and other users with their passwords
- migrates the navigation menus
- SEO: migrates the meta description and the meta keywords
- SEO: keeps the Joomla articles IDs or redirects Joomla URLs to the new WordPress URLs
- compatible with Joomla 1.0 and Mambo 4.5 and 4.6 (process {mosimages} and {mospagebreak})
- migrates Joomla 1.0 static articles as pages
- migrates Joomla 2.5+ featured images
- migrates Joomla 3.1+ tags
Iar pentru un magazin virtual, avem nevoie de un add-on (premium):
- Virtuemart
Care face (conform Virtuemart add-on la FG Joomla to WordPress premium plugin by Frederic Gilles):
The Virtuemart add-on migrates:
- Customers with their logins and passwords
- Customers billing data
- Customers shipping data
- Products
- Products images
- Featured products
- Product categories
- Product categories images
- Custom fields as WooCommerce attributes
- Price variations
- Tax rates
- Ability to import prices including or excluding tax
- Orders with their items, shipping, fees and taxes
- Custom order statuses
- Menus
- Ratings & Reviews
- Coupons
- Manufacturers (requires the WooCommerce brands plugin)
SEO: The Virtuemart URLs are redirected to the new WordPress URLs using 301 redirects.
Pentru importul corespunzator, fara probleme, avem nevoie de cateva setari corespunzatoare PHP:
Cautati intrebarile FAQ pe site-ul lui Frederic Gilles, creatorul acestui plugin si a add-on-urilor sale.
Din experienta migrarii a 2 site-uri, din care unul este un magazin virtual (Editura Orizonturi – Portofoliu Sector web) pot da urmatorele sfaturi:
+ urmati pas cu pas recomandarile din FAQ:
- instalati bibliotecile de clase recomandate
- exportati baza de date joomla .sql si importati-o in baza de date WordPress
- mai mult: pentru a avea control asupra setarilor si configurarilor descrise in FAQ creati o instanta localhost a site-ului si efectuati acolo importul (ajuta si pentru downloadul imaginilor)
- mariti limita de memorie
- mariti limita de timp pentru executarea scripturilor php (la 3600 sec a functionat bine; importul a durat efectiv ~ 15 min)
- Allow URL fopen pe ON
- etc, in general fiti atenti si pe faza: identificati cauzele unei anumite disfunctionalitati si actionati in consecinta pentru eliminarea ei
Sector web ofera serviciul de migrare site din Joomla in WordPress. Migrare Joomla -> WordPress pentru orice tip de site: shop online (magazin virtual), site prezentare, site stiri, etc
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